Simon Gets a Kick Out of a Cum Facial

Simon Gets a Kick Out of a Cum Facial

Watching two shirtless cute Thai boys (Simon and Singha) kick and punch each other in a bout of Muay Thai is titillating. I guess they feel the same too as the session turns more into ‘cock fighting’. After Simon takes a blow to the head from Singha’s foot, he’s forced to lie down on the bed. Singha feels guilty so massages his fight buddy. But the temptation of Simon’s delicious brown flesh is too much and soon he’s sucking Simon’s nipples. The boxing shorts cum down and out pops Simon’s gorgeous Asian cock. Of course Singha puts that in his mouth too and gives Simon a blow job good enough to bring him back to his senses. Feeling like revenge for the kick to the head, Simon kneels up and positions Singha’s head at the end of his dick. With a grunt he unleashes loads of nice, sticky cum over Singha’s lip, cheek and neck. More …

One thought on “Simon Gets a Kick Out of a Cum Facial

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