Two hot boys sucking each other

Two hot boys sucking each other

Broke Straight Boys is very pleased to welcome back Ryan, who, along with Scott, is on the futon today to do an oral scene. After doing some scenes with BSB, Ryan worked some other studios and now considers himself bisexual. As we were doing the usual pre porn chit chat, I told Scott that he was too good looking to get away with not doing anal in front of the camera, Ryan piping up and saying that Scott has one of the cutest asses he had ever seen. As the boys were discussing how much they wanted to get paid for today’s shoot, I told them that, if they kissed, I would give them an extra $100 each. (MORE)

They stood up and stripped off to their underwear, all the time, ragging on each other as they hit it off. It was pretty clear that this was going to be a really hot scene as Ryan and Scott had some great chemistry going. As they stood side by side, Ryan leaned in towards the taller Scott and gently kissed him on the lips. Scott reciprocated just as tenderly, both boys looking as if they were enjoying it. They broke apart for a moment before Ryan demanded that Scott lean down for another round of kissing. Ryan then dived down to lick and kiss a rather bemused Scott’s nipple before reaching to squeeze Scott’s cock through his boxers. Ryan slid to his knee’s and helped Scott take off his boxers, Scott’s cock already pretty hard from the snogging. Ryan leaned forward and sucked Scott’s cock into his mouth, cupping the heavy balls sac in his hand. As he concentrated on just the head of Scott’s dick, Ryan soon had Scott moaning for more. (MORE)

Broke Straight Boys


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